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the venue

9:30 am to 8 pm at Healing Earth Resources, 3111 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago IL  60657  http://www.healingearthresources.com/


9:30 am:  Registration and Meditation

10:30 am:  Procession adn blessing

11am to 1 PM:  Fellowship of Isis Reconnection and Renewal.

1-2:30 pm:  Pot Luck Lunch.

2:30 pm::  presentation by Lady Olivia Robertson

3:30 pm:   "Egyptian DNA Healing Using Essential Oils" by Sophia Menouthis

4:30 pm:  break

5:30 pm: Enactment of our main rite:  the Mystery Drama "Mystical Awakening of Libra and KwanYin."

the Kwan Yin altar

itinerary 2005

these are the places that lady Olivia visited in 2005...
Travel Schedule for Lady Olivia Robertson 2005

September 14-23, 2005:  Chicago, Illinois, USA

Friday, September 16: Reception for Lady Olivia at the Lyceum of Eleusis; contact Rt. Rev. Deena Hartray Butta for details (773) 478-4763 or DeeAnkh@sbcglobal.net

Saturday September 17: Sacred Autumn 2005, our annual convention and celebration, to be held at  Healing Earth Resources, 3111 N. Ashalnd Ave., Chicago IL  60657, http://www.healingearthresources.com/  9:30 AM to 8 PM.

Sunday September 18: details to be announced.

September 20-21: Circle Sanctuary, Wisconsin, USA

Tuesday,  September 20, 7pm - Celebrating the Goddess around the World.
Lady Olivia describes contemporary Goddess spirituality and her founding of the Fellowship of Isis.

Wednesday, September 21, 7pm - Fall Equinox Evening: Great Mother Harvest Meditation.
Lady Olivia guides a meditation connecting with the powers of Fall Equinox and the Goddess as Abundant Mother.

To register go to
or call the Circle office at (608)924-2216, Monday thru Friday 9am - 5pm central time.
$15 donation for Tuesday or Wednesday evening or $25 donation to attend both nights. 


September 23-29, 2005Albany, New York, USA

September 25, 2005:  "A Day of Renewal and Recommitment to the Divine Mother."  This is a Priestess / Priest Reunioin with Rt. Rev.Lady Olivia Robertson and Rev. Kadea Metara at Stillpoint Retreat Center, New York, 10 am to 5 pm.  $40 fee covers the cost of workshops and luncheon to be served at 1 pm.  Send checks payable to "Jayne Hill" to: Rev. Jayne Hill, 37 Blue Jay Way, Rexford NY  12148.  Deadline is August 1, 2005. For more information, contact Rev. Jayne Hill, ageless1@nycap.rr.com

For other events taking place in the area, contact Mary Browne, (518) 872-2272 or universalpathway@yahoo.com  


September 29-October 5, 2005: Los Angeles, California, USA

Contact Rev. Laura Janesdaughter for details:  isishazel@yahoo.com


October 5-12, 2005Geyserville, California,  USA

Octobeer 7-8-9, 2005:  Annual Convocation at Isis Oasis.  For details ontact Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne at isis@isisoasis.org


October 12-19, 2005Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.

Friday October 14, Phoenix AZ : an FOI gathering in honor of Lady Olivia.

Contact Rev. Ambujam Melchiorre for details:  ambujam12@aol.com or (480) 227-3705.


 October 19-November 3, 2005Pensacola, Florida, USA

October 21, 2005:  Reception at Isis of Philae Lyceum, hosted by Rev. Deborah Merwin.   By invitation only, for FOI members.  IsisofPhilae@juno.com
October 22, 2005:   "Mystery of Demeter and Persephone" at Lyceum of Antinopolis.   Contact Rev. Edward-Antinous Livingston for details: IseumofFire@aol.com
October 27-November 3, 2005: New Orleans LA
This event has been cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina.  Some of the events have been moved to Pensacola FL.
Email Rt. Rev. Cathryn Anne Rogers AU at fontisis@yahoo.com for details.



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