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Pagan History in Chicago

This is a work in progress.  The inspiration behind it was to honor the elders and spiritual lineage of Ray and Deena, the founders of the groups known variously over the years as Morning Star, Hearth of Isis Star of the Sea, Iseum of Eleusis, and Lyceum of Alexandria. 

Our lineage includes Earthstar Chicago Lodge, which was headed by Herman Enderle,  and the Society of Janus which was based in Elgin, IL and was headed by High Priestess Linda Dice.  In addition, Deena is a Shemsu of the House of Netjer , which is headed by Rev. Tamara Siuda and based in Joliet IL.    We are grateful to these our elders who have guided us on our spiritual journeys.

This lineage is related to many others in Chicago.

Please help us build a record of pagan history in Chicago, by submitting your memories to Deena at DeeAnkh@sbcglobal.net

Write  "Chicago Pagan History Project" in the subject line.

Thank you!


Pagan groups, past and present...click here


This is a Who's Who of Pagan Chicago.  It is also a trbute to honor, in some small way, our Pagan Elders, our "Akhu."  May their names live forever!  May they never be forgotten!   click here  

  these are establishments and locations that have been important in the history and development of Pagan Chicago...click here for Pagan Places

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