Fellowship of Isis Membership Application Form
To join the Fellowship of Isis through the Lyceum of Eleusis & Alexandria, print out and complete this form, then mail to FOI Chicago at the address below.
CITY:____________________________________STATE:__________________________POSTAL CODE_______
TELEPHONE NUMBER:__________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________
I wish to become a member of the Fellowship of Isis. I have read the Fellowship of Isis Manifesto, and agree with the tenets therein.
SIGNATURE:____________________________________________________________________________________________DATE: ___________
Tell us a little about yourself... your background, spiritual paths, what you are hoping to find in FOI, and whatever else you think is important for us to know
(maybe also including astrological info). Attach another page if necessary.
Membership is free, but donations are appreciated. If you wish to make a donation, please write "FOI Chicago" on the memo line of the check.
A receipt will be mailed back to you. Checks may be made out to: DEMETRIA NANOS
. Send to: FOI Chicago - Lyceum of Eleusis & Alexandria, c/o Demetria Nanos, 6122 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago IL 60637 USA