The Iseum of Eleusis is named for the town of Eleusis in Greece, where the mysteries of the Goddess were celebrated for thousands of years.
The Eleusinian Mysteries were similar to the mysteries of Isis in that their goal was to bring about a rebirth on many levels through spiritual alchemy.
This Iseum follows a seven-fold path that draws upon Egyptian and Native American spirituality, along with the traditions of Earthstar Lodge Chicago. Its focus is on living the values delineated in the Fellowship of Isis Manifesto. Its activities incorporate the Fellowship of Isis liturgies. Eleusis is located on the North side of Chicago.
Eleusis was founded by Deena Celeste Butta & Raymond Butta. It has been incorporated into the Lyceum of Alexandria as of 2013 when Deena passed away. To contact Eleusis/Alexandria, call Demetria at (773) 684-9219; or, email