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Lady Olivia Robertson

Lady Olivia does not like to draw attention to herself.  Her life revolves around promoting the Fellowshiup of Isis.  She has said in her book Isis of Fellowship that she has refused to write a mundane autobiography.  "I wished to give the rest of my life to promoting the Fellowship: not on encouraging a cult of personality, bugbear of our media-crazed society."--p.v, Isis of Fellowship

Nonetheless, this page is necessary for 2 reasons:  1) to honor our beloved Lady Olivia Robertson, who has so greatly enriched countless lives through her service to the Goddess...and 2) to provide a reliable source for people who want to know more about Lady Olivia.

Messages From Lady Olivia
  Here are posted news and messages received from Lady Olivia Robertson, with the most recent at the top.
Messages From Lady Olivia

Lady Olivia's Spiritual Biographies

These books are most highly recommended for all Fellowship of Isis members.

click here for spiritual biographies

Biographical information

This is a bit about Lady Olivia's life.  Citations are also provided for further reading and research.

Biographical information


Here is a reading list consisting of articles about Lady Olivia in books and journals. 

Olivia Robertson reading list

writings by Lady Olivia Robertson

These are books written by Lady Olivia Robertson.

written by Olivia Robertson

  Click here for links to interviews with Lady Olivia.

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