Goddess Convention 2015
Welcome, Friends! The Chicago Fellowship Of Isis will present our 22nd Annual Autumn Goddess Convention on Saturday, September 26, in Chicago, Illinois. Pre-registration is encouraged. Pre-registration price is $40 until Sept. 15, or $50 at the door. None are turned away for lack of funds!
Check our calendar page on this website for updates to the 2015 Convention. Scroll down to the "Festival" link below the "About The Festival" section to get 2015 workshop information. There are workshops, talks, rituals, meditations, vendors, the Silent Auction, etc.
The liturgy to be performed is the sixth from the FOI liturgical booklet, Sphinx: “Uranus. The Coming Forth By Day.” It features the Mystery of Aset and Asar, the Field of Reeds, the Judgement of Asar – Hall of Judgment, and the Field of Reeds in the 21st Century. The themes are love and redemption, renewal and rebirth.
In the past we’ve called this event a Goddess Festival; it was a Goddess Convention before that. The convention grew out of Lady Olivia's attendance and presentation at the 1993 Parliament of World Religions. Deena Celeste Butta, our late founder of FOI Chicago, worked with Lady Olivia and many other FOI members during that Parliament, and put great effort into creating the convention. The subsequent blossoming of various FOI gatherings across the country are also the fruit of those efforts over 20 years ago. This year, the Parliament of World Religions returns to North America, occurring during the week of Oct. 2015. Our FOI Chicago Annual Autumn Goddess Convention is on September 26th this year, to avoid any scheduling conflict with the October Parliament in Salt Lake City.
It's always an entertaining, informational, and educational event, bringing people together to acknowledge and honor the Goddess in Her myriad forms and traditions.
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Thanks for your interest in the Chicago Fellowship Of Isis Annual Autumn Goddess Convention!
Click here for the presentation proposal form...
Welcome to the FOI Chicago Goddess Convention!
About the Convention
The annual Eleusinian Goddess Festival, co-incided with the Autumnal Equinox and the season of the ancient Eleusinian Mysteries, and has been our gift to Chicago... and to FOI friends and members everywhere.
The Goddess Festival is once again the Goddess Convention. This year's Goddess Convention opens on Friday, Sept. 25th with a Chocolates & Champagne reception at Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont Ave., Chicago, IL. 60657. The event runs from 6:30 PM to 9 PM. The 22nd Annual FOI Chicago takes place on Saturday, Sept.26, 2015. The location is at the MKP Chicago Lodge (MKP Bldg.) 1900 W. Fulton St., Chicago, IL. 60612. It is followed by related activities on Sunday.
The Convention
You can register for the Goddess Convention by going to www.paypal.com and logging in to your account.
e-mail your payment to Demetria Nanos, hail_isis@yahoo.com. Be sure to itemize each category, following the examples in the registration form.
PayPal is back for the 2015 convention.
The weekend begins with our enjoyable Chocolate and Champagne Reception. We will be at Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont Ave., Chicago, IL. 60657, on Friday, Sept. 25, 2015, from 6:30 PM until 9 PM. Pot Luck offerings to share are encouraged. Price is $10 per person. None are turned away for lack of funds! Please go to our Calendar page for more information. Life Force Arts Center has Free Parking in the bank lot around the corner on Ashland Ave. Please go to their website for more inbformation and directions. We encourage interested folks who have time before traveling to have lunch together on Sunday, Sept. 27, 2015. There will also be a visit to the Field Museum of Natural History for those who are interested.
more about the reception...
Silent Auction
Your contributions help make this event possible....the silent auction is a fun event that we offer each year with your generous and beautiful donations.
The 2015 Silent Auction will include clothing, jewelry, books, altar & shrine pieces, and more. Check out the Silent Auction Table at the 2015 Goddess Convention!
More about the silent auction...
The venue for the 2015 Annual Equinox Goddess Convention is:
The Mankind Project Lodge,
1900 W. Fulton Street,
Chicago,IL. 60612
The ceiling came down last year, but it was replaced along with a new roof. We look forward to a more comfortable, less rushed and dusty surroundings.
Do A Presentation!
We encourage our FOI members and friends to actively participate in The Goddess Convention by doing a presentation related to the theme. It is a pleasure getting to know more about our wise and talented membership in this way, and it makes the day very special and exciting for all in attendance.
Click here for the presentation proposal form...
If you produce high-quality Isian goods, such as clothing, jewelry, books, etc., you may be interested in vending at The Goddess Suq. For more information, click here:
Main Liturgy
The liturgy to be celebrated at the 2015 Goddess Convention is Uranus. The Coming Forth By Day.
Main Liturgy
Preparing for the Liturgy
2015 - A list of Recommended books, articles, etc. that will help one learn more about Isis, Osiris, Hathor, and the many facets of Egyptian religion; ancient Egyptian culture, magic, medicine, writing, craftsmanship, music and art.- to be posted Spring 2015.
The History of the Goddess Festivals
To learn some facts about Annual Equinox Goddess Festivals of the past, click the SCRAPBOOK button in the navigation bar to the left
Goddess Festival 2014 archive
Welcome to the annual Fellowship of Isis Eleusinian Goddess Festival in Chicago. Everyone from everywhere is welcome to attend!
This year's main ritual and theme will be "Awakening of the Golden Phoenix", dedicated to the East Asian goddess Kwan Yin. The rite features Chinese goddesses Nu Kua and Hsi Wang Mu, and Japanese goddess Amaterasu-opo-mi-Kame. The liturgy explores the mysteries of the second chakra on a spiritual level, and utilizes tales of these goddesses to expand our awareness of the Firebird that symbolizes the Divine Feminine in Taoism and East Asian cultures. The Firebird, Benu, Phoenix, Simurgh, Senmurg, Roc, Feng Huang, Suzaku, Jujak, and the Vermillion Bird of the South are all facets of this energy and spiritual totems.
The meditations and the Goddess Kwan Yin will reveal further insights into the physical and spiritual energies that the Phoenix awakens within us during these rapidly changing times.
Cultural Notes About the Phoenix
Program 2014
Proposed Schedule for FOI Chicago Goddess Festival 2014
This is a temporary schedule that has not been finalized.
Presentations of the day are subject to different titles & time slot changes until further notice.
ddnj 8/24/14
7:30 – 9 AM – Set up for the day
9 – 10 AM - Registration, coffee, etc.
9:30 –10 AM– Clearing of energies, Kemetic blessing of circle & presentation space
10:00 - 10:15 - Opening Prayers with Reverends Vincent & Carolyn Hawkins
10:15 – 10:25 - Introduction to each other and the events of the day.
10:25 - 10:35 - "The Phoenix, East & West" - Rev. Demetria Nanos.
10:35 – 10:45 – Group Blessing, Isis Prayer. Root chakra meditation.
10:45 – Presentation (TBA) by the Rev. Gayle Mack
11:15 – “Eclipse Magic & the Future” – Rev. Vincent Hawkins
11:45 – Break, shop with vendors, fellowship
12:00 Noon – “Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Temple Dancing” - Rev. Kiel Milner
12:30 – 2 PM – Lunch, shop with vendors, fellowship
2 PM - Fire Offering - Traditional Chinese heaven-hell money, incense, and prayer papers offered to The Ancestors and those who have recently passed away - at fire pit in yard
2:15– “Phurba: Meaning & Use in Tibetan Ritual “– Daniel Noga (working title)
2:30– “Drumming the I Ching” – Rt. Rev. Michael Starsheen
3:00 – “Nebhetep Memorial Rite for Loreon Vigne” - Rev. Anna Applegate (Working title)
3:30 PM – 7th Presentation – ?
4:00 – Music– “Himalayan Singing Bowls” - Edward Farnham
5:00 – Break - Shop w/ vendors - Prepare for liturgy.
5:30 - Phoenix Dance - Rev. Joan Forest Mage
5:35 – Ritual – “Awakening of the Golden Phoenix”.
6:30 – Rite finished, toast to the gods, Blessing of All.
6:45 – “Polarity Balancing” – Rev. Vincent Hawkins
7:00 – Farewell, dear friends, until we meet again.
Aquila Lyra Blog
There is a study guide for the 2012 festival liturgy at http://aquilalyra.blogspot.com/ which will help you prepare inwardly for the ritual. Much of this information is applicable to the 2014 Goddess Festival.
Lady Olivia's Itinerary
Click here to see Lady Olivia Robertson's travel itinerary for 2012.