FOI Events in Chicago
Sat. Dec. 19, 2015 - WInter Solstice Yule
Join the Chicago Fellowship of Isis at Life Force Arts Center on December 19, 2015, for the Winter Solstice.
Our Winter Solstice - Yule celebration will be from 5 - 8 PM. The liturgy will be the 7th in the booklet "Dea", "Winter. Star Rite." Oracle of the Goddess Rhea. Rhea is a Drumming goddess, so bring your drum, flute, guitar, and sistrum!
There will be a brief introduction to the Cave as symbol of the Holy Mother, deities associated with caves, light, and winter; Homeric and Orphic hymns, a few poems or prayers for the Celtic and Northern Way deities who are honored at this time of year, along with Saint Nicholas and his helper, the Krampus. We will follow the liturgy with the Pillar of Healing Light prayers.
Bring something to eat and / or drink that you can share for the Love Feast. There will be juice, mead, bread, cheeses, and other items that I will bring. Bring something you enjoy to share.
Suggested donation of $10 per person helps us pay the rent for the space. Nobody is turned away for lack of funds! For further information or questions, call Demetria @ 773-684-9219.
Sat. Dec. 19, 2015 - Introduction to The Fellowship of Isis
Saturday, December 19 -
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Life Force Arts Center
1609 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60657
An introduction to the Fellowship of Isis; who we are and what we do. The Manifesto, its philosophy, the mission and 40 year history of the FOI will be discussed. Questions are welcome. For further information, call Demetria - 773-684-9219
Samhain 2015
The Lyceum will celebrate a private Samhain this year. It has been an exhausting year for us all.
22nd Annual Goddess Convention 2015
Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015
Sponsored by members and friends of the Lyceum of Eleusis & Alexandria Mishigami,
the Iseum of Hathor * Neith * Maha-Lakshmi. and Life Force Arts Center.
Location: The Mankind Project Chicago Lodge, 1900 W. Fulton St., Chicago IL 60612
9:30 AM – 10 AM Registration - Festival 10 AM to 7 PM
“Uranus. The Coming Forth By Day.”
Dedicated To
The Goddesses Isis & Nephthys,
Nut, Neith, Hathor, Sekhmet, & Maat
Chocolates & Champagne Reception, Fri., Sept. 25, 2015
Chocolates & Champagne Reception Friday, 9/25/2015 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Opening for the 22nd Annual FOI Chicago Goddess Convention
The Chicago Fellowship Of Isis welcomes you to its Chocolate and Champagne Reception to open the 22nd Annual FOI Chicago Autumnal Goddess Convention Weekend! Join us for an evening of fellowship with friends, renew acquaintances, and meet other like-minded people in the Goddess, Pagan, and Occult communities.
There will be refreshments, conversation, information about the FOI Goddess Convention the next day, a brief talk about the major astrological/astronomical planetary aspects from the Autumn Equinox through Samhain, an introduction to the FOI journal ISIS-SESHAT: its contents, and upcoming Call for Submissions, (issues will be available for sale). Following will be an FOI Goddess Oracle and Meditation.
We look forward to seeing you at the Reception on Friday, September 25th at Life Force Arts Center for the opening event of the 22nd FOI Chicago Autumnal Goddess Convention.
Reception Price - $10 per person. None are turned away for lack of funds!
(The 22nd Annual FOI Chicago Autumn Goddess Convention takes place on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015, at the MKP Lodge Bldg., 1900 W. Fulton St., Chicago, IL. 60612.
Registration @ 9:30 AM, Convention opens at 10 AM. Price: $40 in advance until
Sept. 21; $50 at the door. None are turned away for lack of funds!)
Sat., Aug. 1, 2015 @ Noon - Lammas
The Chicago Fellowship Of Isis, Lyceum of Alexandria Mishigami will celebrate the Lammas Festival on Sat., August 1st. We'll meet at Foster Avenue Beach, (Foster Ave. & Lake Michigan), east of Lake Shore Drive. I will have a tie-dyed orange Celtic pentagram bedspread displayed at the spot. Gathering will be at 12:00 Noon so we can perform the liturgy at 1 PM. The liturgy will be from the FOI liturgical booklet, 'Sphinx'; Rite II – Venus. The Roc’s Egg. Oracle of the Goddess Allat. It is resonant for the full moon weekend, Venus retrograding into tropical Leo conjuncting the star Regulus, and Saturn stands stationary before moving direct this weekend. The waning full moon will conjunct the stars Sadalsuud and Deneb Al Gedi on Saturday morning. We'll do thanksgivings and the Healing Pillar of Light prayers, as always. Please bring water for yourself and something to share for the Pot Luck Love Feast together. Light fare and "finger foods" are recommended. Those who are sensitive to the sun should have sunscreen and a hat for protection. If you have a camp chair or stool, bring it along for your seated comfort. We'll conclude our meeting by 3:00 PM. For further information, call Demetria at: 773-684-9219. Happy Summer!
Summer Solstice Eve, Sat. June 20, 2015
The Chicago Fellowship Of Isis will gather for the Summer Solstice at 12 Noon on Saturday, June 20th.
The liturgy will be "Mystical Awakening of Gemini, Artemis, and Apollo", the 4th selection from the FOI liturgical booklet, "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess". You can read it here or download a .pdf:
The location is the park area of Wilson Ave. Beach, 2 blocks North of Montrose Ave. Beach and immediately East of Cricket Hill. We will be just South of Wilson Ave. where it curves in the park, joining at Simonds Drive. We'll be East of Cricket Hill and just West of the beach and the field house.
I'm working to get the spot by the trees at the 3rd light post South of Wilson on the East side (beach side) of the street. It is also the 8th or 9th light post North of the Divvy bike station at Montrose beach. It is close to the field house.
There's parking on Simonds Drive, first come - first served. There will be competition for parking as there's a Whiskey, Wine, & Swine (Pig Roast) event at Montrose from 1 PM - 4 PM.
I'll have a large orange tie-dyed pentangle bedspread tapestry on the ground at the location for easier spotting when you enter the park/beach. There will be two folding tables, one for the altar and one for refreshments. We'll see what else we can fit in the car to bring.
Bring a towel or beach chair for your comfort, and a sun hat or sunscreen if you need them. Anyone have a big beach umbrella? We will be near trees, but there's no guarantee of shade. Please bring water for yourself and/or other beverages and light food to share for refreshments. Fruit, cheese & crackers, falafels, mini-sandwiches, etc. are recommended.
Bring an instrument if you want to play music! Drumming and strumming are encouraged.
We will have a centering meditation on Isis, Lake Michigan, and the Solstice to begin with,
followed by elemental blessings, the Above & Below, the Charge of the Cosmic One,
sharing of the liturgy & meditation, and the Healing Pillar of Light prayers. We will do healing prayers for the living first, then life prayers (job, finances, home, school, clean agriculture, healing the Earth, etc.) and finish with thanks to the Ancestors and the Mighty Dead. We will then share refreshments. There are many restaurants nearby, west of the park, if people want to go out together afterward.
I look forward to seeing you on June 20th.
May the Sun imbue you with glowing Good Health, and
May the Moon soothe you and bless your Dreams,
may the Earth sing to you the cycles of Life.
Beltane - Saturday, May 2, 2015
The Chicago Fellowship of Isis will host a Beltane Festival on
Saturday, May 2nd, at Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont Ave., Chicago, IL. 60657.
Doors will open at 6:30 PM, and we will begin at 7 PM.
A suggested donation of $ 10 helps us pay the rent for the space. None are turned away for lack of funds!
Please bring food and / or beverage to share for the Love Feast after the liturgy and ceremony.
We encourage you to bring plants, seeds, bulbs, art supplies, essential oils, etc. for group blessing.
Musical instruments are welcome!
Feel free to bring a poem or song lyric about the budding and flowering of May that you may want to share with us.
You are welcome to bring your meditation journal (if you have one) or sketch book to record your results.
The liturgy will be, "The Mystical Awakening of Taurus and Isis", Rite III from the FOI liturgy booklet "Sophia".
We will perform "The Ascent of the Goddess", seven chakras ziggurat candle lighting ceremony after the liturgy.
The Healing Pillar of Light prayers will be done after the candle lighting ceremony.
We look forward to seeing you at LFAC to celebrate the merry month of May!
Year of the Wooden Goat 4713 (2015 CE)
The Chicago Fellowship of Isis is hosting a public Lunar New Year Celebration for the Year of the Wooden Goat - 4713 (2015 CE)
5:30 PM, Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015, at:
Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont Ave., Chicago, IL, 60657.
(Free Parking available.)
We will gather 5:30 - 6 PM, & the service will begin promptly at 6 PM.
Suggested donation - $10.
None are turned away for lack of funds.
Our focus is harmonizing ourselves with the rising Dragon tide of Life Force energy as we approach the Spring Equinox.
We will honor the Eastern Goddesses Nu Wa, Tara, Amaterasu-no-Kami, and Kwan Yin along with Western Goddess Juno.
This is not a regular or typical FOI rite with a liturgy.
We will have FOI Oracles of the Goddesses and Taoist modern meditations as part of the program.
The program is posted below and may be found on the Life Force Arts center calendar.
This is a time to celebrate new beginnings. Make a joyful noise!
Bring your musical instruments: flute, sistrum, guitar, tambourine, fiddle, drum, etc.!
Please bring something to share for the Love Feast following the liturgy.
Donations are welcome to help pay the rent!
Program - Year of the Wooden Goat 4713 (2015 CE)
Celebration of The Year of the Wooden Goat - Lunar Year 4713 (2015 C.E.)
The Chicago Fellowship of Isis
Introduction to the Lunar New Year Celebration
Dedication of the Gathering to the Star Goddess Tara & the Milky Way
Presentation: The Elements of the Tao & the West – Rev. Anna Applegate
Blessing of the Circle, Invocation of the Elements, Charge of the Cosmic One
Honoring the Above & Below, The Spirit Within
Creatrix & Healer – Oracle of Nu Kua (Psyche 7)
* Light Breath Exercise
Renewal - The New Year, Goddess Amaterasu-opo-mi-Kami, & The 7 Lucky Gods
Mercy - Two Prayers to Kwan Yin
Compassion - Kwan Yin’s Prayer for the Abuser
Consciousness of Justice & Inner Light - Oracle of the Goddess Juno (Fortuna 4)
A Litany of Goat Deities
The Goat Stars – Constellations and Nakshatras (handout)
The Stars - Oracle of the Goddess Tara (Isis of Alchemy 8)
* Meditation 1 - The Milky Way & the Songs of the Stars – Tara
Orphic Hymn to Juno - Matronalia (March 1)
* Meditation 2 - I Ching hexagram 11 – T’ai (Peace) & the Dragon Power of Spring
Blessing of the Seeds
The Inner Light – Oracle of the Goddess Amaterasu-no-Kami (Tara 2)
* Meditation 3 - Personal Healing & the Purifying Strength of the Sun - Amaterasu
Blessing of the Candles & Charms (crystals, stones, red envelopes, etc.)
Healing Prayers with the Pillar of Light
Closing the Circle, Blessing of All, The Toast to the New Year
Drums, Sistrums, Flutes, Bells, etc. – Music & Celebration!
For more information: Rev. Demetria Nanos - 773-684-9219 -
Imbolg 2015
The Imbolg celebration is cancelled today because of blizzard-like and dangerous traveling conditions in the Chicago area.
We are looking at dates at the end of February to see if we can schedule a Lunar New Year celebration for the Year of the Wooden Goat. If you're interested in that, please write to me at:
Thank you. Have a bright and blessed February!
Rev. Demetria Nanos
* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * *
Celebrate Imbolg with the Lyceum of Eleusis & Alexandria Mishigami.
FOI Chicago festival of Imbolc - Candlemas - Sunday, Feb. 1 - 5:30 PM
The Chicago Fellowship of Isis will celebrate the festival of Imbolg - Candlemas on Sunday, Feb. 1, at Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont, Chicago. IL. Parking is free in the bank parking lot around the corner on Ashland Ave. just south of Belmont Ave. We will gather at 5:30 PM and begin the liturgy at 6 PM.
There will be a pot luck love feast - please bring food or beverage to share.
A suggested donation of $10 helps pay the rent for the event.
Nobody is turned away for lack of funds.
Imblog/Imbolc/Candlemas is a time of growing light, the balance point between Winter and Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It has been traditionally associated with Indo-European goddesses of purification, healing, fertility, childbirth, blessing of the herds and preparation of seed and - or soil for the spring planting season. The Celtic goddess Brigid/Bride is associated with this festival in Northern Europe. She is still honored as Saint Brigid on Feb. 1 by the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
This is also the time that the Birth of the Goddess Nut was celebrated in Ancient Egypt, with cold winter skies showing us the Milky Way and constellations on clear nights.
The Romans celebrated Iuno Februa - the kalends (1st day) of each month is sacred to Juno - Iuno - Uni and this is the month of purification goddess Februa. February was a time associated with cleaning the Goddess' temple and statues. It's the month of fulfilling one's duties to the Ancestors and preparations for the Roman New Year (March 1st), honoring the Mother (Juno) and Holy Son (Mars).
February is also the month of Juno Sospita, the Savior Goddess of protection and victory. She wears a goatskin over her gown -
"She is generally depicted armed with a shield and spear, Her long gown covered by a goat skin that is drawn up so as its horns appear on Her head."
The liturgy will be "Mystical Awakening of Capricorn and Terra", Oracle of the Goddess Terra. It is liturgy XI (11) in the booklet: 'Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess'.
We will have poems, verses, or hymns to be recited for Mother Nut and the goddesses Juno Sospita, Februa, Terra, Brigid, and Audhumla. There will be candles to light and offerings for the Ancestors.
Please bring a copy of the liturgy for your personal use.
Bring your sistrum or drum! We look forward to honoring the Ancestors and celebrating the increasing light with you.
You can see all liturgies at:
If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join us by attunement.
RSVP and questions (773) 684-9219 or
Feasting and fellowship will follow the ceremony. Please bring a side dish for the pot luck, along with whatever you plan to drink.
New Moon
New Moons are celebrated privately in the Hyde Park - Woodlawn neighborhood at the Iseum of Neith, Hathor, & Maha Lakshmi. Call 773-684-9219 for more information.
Full Moons are celebrated as a group when our schedules mesh. Locations may change as per their availability. Write to
or telephone: 773-684-9219.
New and Full Moon ceremonies as a group are currently not taking place on a regular basis. When they resume, details will be announced. Iseums and Lyceums celebrate moons as they choose.
RESOURCES: Here are some suggested resources to help you prepare for new and full moons; updates are provided for celestial events occurring at new and full moons::
--Hey Allie: Blog , by Allison Rae / StarPriestess --The Grandmothers Speak --Mooncircles --Eileen Nauman's Medicinegarden astrological articles --Eileen Nauman's other astrological articles --Philip Sedgwick Galactic Times Newsletter (click "Galactic Times" at left) --M. Kelley Hunter's Cosmic News --Aluna Joy's Newsletter --Guru Rattana's "New Millennium Being Astro E-Zine" (subscribe to this in order to read info for the current moon; strongly recommended, quality of information is excellent. Send a blank email to nmbeing-
You are welcome to bring your own material to make this ritual meaningful to you: poems, spells, meditations, etc.
Pot luck will follow the ceremony. Please bring a pot luck food or beverage item.
please rsvp 773-684-9219 or
Yule 2014
Fellowship of Isis Midwinter Yule rite
Saturday, December 20, 2014, 05:00pm - 08:00pm
The Chicago Fellowship of Isis is hosting a public Midwinter Yule rite.
We will gather from 4:30 - 5 PM, and the service will begin promptly at 5 PM.
The liturgy will be “The Tree of Life”, Oracle of the Goddess Frigga. We celebrate Modranacht, The Night of the Mothers, from ancient times. Music, drumming, and discussion will follow, along with refreshments.
After the liturgy, there will be a brief discussion of an Ursa Major stellar rite from the Greek Magical Papyri (handouts to take home), reflect on the Celtic Midwinter spirits Cailleach, Holly King, Arthur, Bear, Raven; why reindeer are connected with the Solstice, and conclude with a Norse prayer candlelight ceremony (handouts & candles).
Then there will be music, feasting, celebration, and fellowship! Bring your musical instruments: flute, sistrum, guitar, and drum!
Please bring something to share for the Love Feast following the liturgy. Donations are welcome to help pay the rent!
Suggested donation - $10. None are turned away for lack of funds
LFAC has FREE PARKING in Central Savings bank parking lot. Click here for directions.
Location : Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W Belmont, Chicago 60657
Contact : FOI Chicago – Rev. Demetria Nanos – 773-684-9219
Please download a copy of the liturgy to bring to the festival and for your own use.
If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join us by attunement.
RSVP and questions (773) 684-9219 or
* Feasting and fellowship will follow the ceremony. Please bring a side dish for the pot luck, along with whatever you plan to drink.
Samhain 2014
Celebrate Samhain with the Lyceum of Eleusis & Alexandria. location TBA.
The Liturgy to be celebrated will be "Lighting the Rainbow Aura" - Oracle of the Goddess Tara.
Please download a copy for your own use.
If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join us by attunement.
RSVP and questions (773) 684-9219 or
Feasting and fellowship will follow the ceremony. Please bring a side dish for the pot luck, along with whatever you plan to drink.
Goddess Festival 2014
Goddess Festival 2014
The 21st Annual FOI Chicago Autumn Goddess Festival * Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014 * 9 – 10 AM Registration * 10 AM – 7 PM Festival * The liturgy that will be celebrated at the 2014 FOI Chicago Autumn Goddess Festival is "The Awakening of the Golden Phoenix".
Festival: Saturday, October 4. --***--
An informal dinner and perhaps other activities: Sunday, Oct. 5, to be announced. --
Contact: (773) 684-9219;
Fall Equinox 2014
Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox with the Lyceum of Eleusis & Alexandria.
The Liturgy to be celebrated is The Mystical Awakening of Virgo and Dana - Oracle of the Goddess Dana. Please download a copy for your own use.
If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join us by attunement.
RSVP and questions (773) 684-9219 or
Feasting and fellowship will follow the ceremony. Please bring a side dish for the pot luck, along with whatever you plan to drink.